Ready to challenge yourself with one more vegan cake?

The Orange &Tahini Cake!

There is something about those rainy cold days that make us want to fill our home with this comforting smell of a cake coming out of your oven, So today we chose this beautiful Orange cake which is not just comforting but also highly nutritious and can help our body to stay warm, especially when you have it with your afternoon tea 😉


  • 1 cup of Cheeky Pea Tahini Paste
  • 1 cup of fine sugar or brown sugar
  • 1 orange
  • ¼ cup cognac, or brandy
  • 2½ cups self-raising flour
  • 1 tbsp ground cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp ground cloves
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tbsp icing sugar



  1. Have you got everything you need? Good! Now is the time to play!
  2. Go to your oven and crank it up, 180°C is what we want
  3. Spray with some canola oil a 20cm square baking pan, you can use some vegan butter too if you feel brave enough
  4. Put the Cheeky Pea Tahini and the sugar in your mixer, pulse until nicely combined. Be mindful, just a couple of minutes will be enough, the mix shouldn’t get too warm.
  5. Grate some orange zest, then squeeze that good old juice out of it! Add both to the mixture together with the cognac and pulse it for one more minute.
  6. We are almost there, just add the flour, spices, and baking powder and mix one last time.
  7. Pour into the baking pan and shuffle it in the oven for 45 minutes, you can use the old toothpick trick to check when it’s ready. Once it’s done give it time to rest and cool down before topping it with some icing sugar
  8. Well, there you go, you have a great vegan cake! Hopefully, you didn’t forget to boil the water for the tea and to call your loved ones to join you! A good company will make it even tastier!
  9. Let us know if you liked the cake, we can’t wait to hear some feedback from you! You can share your cake on our social, what a great place to brag about your culinary skills!





1 Comment

  • Mark
    Posted 07/09/2022 at 03:25 0Likes

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

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